RCJ 2024 - šablóna pre roboty v katégoriách futbalu
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naspäť na zoznam tímov RCJ 2024
Názov tímu
Center of Excellence Varaždinske County názov školy alebo robotického krúžku
niksa.vaupotic1@gmail.com akékoľvek kontaktné údaje, ak ich chcete uviesť
Soccer 1 on 1 Ligthweight lightweight/open
Predchádzajúca história modelu
At the beginning of this academic year we started with designing and developing our Soccer robots to hopefully compete in European Robocup Junior later this year. We designed and programmed a few robots and tested all of them but this one performs the best in our opinion. It has all the best components from our other robots put into one. We designed and made every part of our robot from scratch. We programmed it and tested every aspect of it. We mostly focused on the design and chassis. The chassis is most important for the durability and resistance of the robot. Our chassis has flat edges to disperse the force when colliding with objects. In summary, we built this robot ourselves from scratch this year.
Konštrukcia a hardvér
Zoznam súčiastok
- Teensy 4.1 microcontroller
- 3x Vhisan brushless motor
- ML-R BLDC Motor Driver 2x50A with reverse protection (mrm-bldc2x50)
- Adafruit BNO055 IMU
- MRMS IR ball finder 3
- Custom made PCB Line sensor
3D modely, výkresy, náčrty konštrukcie a dielov
Schémy, návrhy plošných spojov, elektronika
- Súbor:Volajaka schema.png
- Popis zapojenia elektroniky
- (v zip-súbore uveďte README.TXT alebo nejaký stručný popis)
- alebo linka na github kocúr v čižmách
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