RCJ 2024 - Futbal - KickTronZ
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School/Club: Hrvatsko Društvo za Robotiku
Contact: borut.patcev@gmail.com
Category: Soccer Open
KickTronZ is a RoboCup Junior Soccer Open team from Zagreb, Croatia. It was established in 2022. and all members of the team came from different RoboCup Junior categories and have a lot of experience with robotics. Our team consists of:
- Borut Patčev - team captain, hardware, software
- Gregor Klarić - team member, software
- Luka Kolarić - team member, hardware
Robot parts
- Battery - TATTU 2300 mAh 75C 3S1P LiPo
- Camera x2 - OpenMV H7 Plus
- Driving motors x4 - Joinmax JMP-BE-3561
- IMU - BNO055
- Lidars x8 - Pololu VL53L0X
- Line sensors x32 - ALS-PT19-315C/L177
- Microcontroller - Teensy 4.1
- Voltage regulator 5V / 3.3V - Pololu D36V50F5 / D36V50F3
3D Model
The robots were designed in Fusion 360 software. The robot is divided into 4 layers that are connected to each other using M3 aluminium spacers.
PCB Design
The PCB was designed in KiCAD.
Computer Vision
The two OpenMV cameras are programmed in the OpenMV IDE using MicroPython. They communicate with the main controller using UART. It is an unidirectional communication because they only need to send information and do not need to receive anything from the controller. We use a simple blob detection algorithm to find the ball and the goals. The camera just looks for blobs that are in a certain colour range and return the centre X and Y coordinates of the ball and goals.
Main Program Structure
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